Based on positive student feedback during trial access, the Library made the decision to subscribe to USMLEasy, beginning January 1, 2010. USMLEasy is published by the McGraw-Hill Companies.
Consequently, the Library opted not to renew Exam Master for 2010, and access to it will end on December 31, 2009.
The Library currently has a subscription to McGraw-Hill’s AccessMedicine, and USMLEasy adds value to this resource.
The Library’s USMLEasy subscription will begin January 1; however, complimentary access thru the Library’s Web site is available at this time. As we transition from complimentary access to a full subscription on January 1st, there will be no interruption to service.
You can access USMLEasy as an anonymous user or set up a personal account thru the USMLEasy home page, if you have not already set up a “My Access Medicine” account. Your “My Access Medicine” and USMLEasy login will be the same.
About USMLEasy:
- Provides Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3 USMLE-format questions for study and self-assessment, with USMLE simulation to recreate the actual computer-testing interface (FREDv2) found on the USMLE exams with timed exams and all answers and explanations withheld until the exam is finished.
- Provides more than 6,800 USMLE-format questions as well as 1,650 general knowledge questions covering all the disciplines and organ systems covered on the exam, along with powerful customization features to focus on topics needed to master and bypass what you already know. All questions are derived from McGraw-Hill’s leading series of test preparation books, including PreTest and Lange Q&A.
- Provides targeted remediation based on test results with links to selected readings from 31 books of AccessMedicine’s Lange Library providing the knowledge needed to master most challenging subjects.