Google Scholar now links to Library ejournals

Now when you search Google Scholar from a computer on campus (or remotely using Virtual Private Network/VPN) and find articles published in electronic journals owned by the Library, you can link to full text directly from Google Scholar! Just click on the “Find it!@Library” link.
Normally, this link will take you directly to the full-text article. However, due to imperfections in the linking process, it may take you to a screen with the message, “No direct link to this article found; try the full text link(s) below.” The links listed will normally include:

For more information, see the Find it!@Library FAQ page on the Library Web site. If you have questions, contact Jeff Perkins by email or by phone at 214-648-2004.

Google Scholar: What does it cover?

Google Scholar searches a subsection of the Google database, which includes publications such as:

  • Peer-reviewed papers, articles and abstracts from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositiories, universities, and other scholarly organizations
  • Books
  • Theses

While Google Scholar offers the convenience of searching diverse sources from one place, remember that Google Scholar is only one tool, and does not cover all scholarly literature. (See Safer Searching: Don’t Just Google in the Library News database.)
We recommend searching addtional databases – especially ones focused on your subject matter – when you are conducting a literature review. Not sure which databases focus on your subject area? Our librarians are happy to advise you; call 214-648-2003.
In contrast to many databases, Google Scholar does not display publications with the most recent first. However, there is a tab at the top of the list that allows you to chose “All articles” or “Most recent.”
To search Google Scholar:

  • Either start directly at OR from the main Google page, go to the drop-down menu under “More” and select “Scholar.”
  • Choose your keywords and click “Search.”
  • If the UT Southwestern Library owns a publication, a “Find it! @ Library” link will appear in the results. Clicking on this link will take you directly to the full text of the item.