The Library is conducting a campus-mandated survey to determine what electronic and print resources are being used by clients. The survey will be conducted two times a month, for two hours at a time, over the next year. If you are using the Library Web site or physical space during one of the survey periods, we would appreciate your participation.
Monthly Archives: May 2008
Free personal training in information-finding strategies & skills
Personal trainers at gyms are expensive, but you can get free personal training in information-finding strategies and skills from our Library experts! What’s more, we’ll come to your office at the time of your choice to meet with you.
Our experts can:
- Help identify key resources in your field
- Give tips to enhance database searching skills
- Recommend Library services that can speed up your research
- Explain how to manage bibliographies with EndNote
- Show how to create automatic subject or table-of-contents alerts
- And more
Group training sessions can also be arranged. We are happy to speak to departmental meetings or other groups on a topic of interest.
This service is available to faculty, staff, and students of UT Southwestern (including the University Hospitals), Parkland Health and Hospital System, and Children’s Medical Center.
Request a training session or, on the Library Web site, click on “Individualized Training” under “Get Help/Ask Us” (on the left sidebar) and fill out the request form.
For more information, call 214-648-2003.
Live Chat: Get answers via instant messaging
If you are a UT Southwestern-affiliated fan of instant messaging (IM), try the Library’s Live Chat IM service! Send us your brief question via IM, and one of our information specialists will respond shortly, during Live Chat service hours of 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. To ask complex questions, use the Ask a Librarian link from the Library Web site or call 214-648-2001.
To try Live Chat, simply download a messenger service (Yahoo, MSN/Hotmail, or AOL). Create an individual account if you do not have one. See the Live Chat information page on the Library Web site for more information, including how to add the appropriate contact to your friend/buddy list. You must be on campus or use VPN (Virtual Private Network) to see the appropriate contact names.
We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions about Live Chat; send them to Shobana Jayaraman. You are also invited to fill out a brief survey about our Live Chat service.
Google Scholar now a "Quick Link" on Library Web site
Google Scholar has been added to the list of “Quick Links” on the Library Web site. The “Quick Links” drop down menu is found on the left sidebar.