"It's Only Lunch – with a Librarian!": Library offers lunch classes on Thursdays in June

Liven up your lunch break this summer with classes to enhance your patient care, research, and education. Every Thursday in June from 12 noon to 1 p.m., the Library will offer classes to help you find the information you need to care for patients, write a journal article, ace a class, conquer any bibliography, and survive your dissertation.
Classes are informal and interactive. Registration is not required, but seating is limited! Click on the individual class name link below or go to http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/libraryclasses. Bring your lunch!

For more information, contact John Fullinwider or 214-648-3801.

June 2: Drilling Down into PubMed / Expert Searching for Everyone
Instructor: John Fullinwider, M.L.S.
Location: South Campus Library Classroom, E2.310A.

Go deeper into MEDLINE using PubMed, the free, access-from-anywhere database of more than 20 million citations of health sciences literature. Find the resources you want and filter out irrelevant materials by using Medical Subject Headings, limits, field tags, clinical queries, discipline searching, and other expert strategies. The class will also feature resources for global and public health research.

June 9: Organizing Citations with Endnote
Instructor: Therona Ramos, M.A.
Location: South Campus Library Classroom, E2.310A.

Writing an article, dissertation, or grant? Compile, organize and integrate citations into Microsoft Word without stress with the just released EndNote X4. This hands-on, “how to” class covers the following major time and labor-saving EndNote features:

  • Downloading or importing citation information from online databases
  • Built-in full-text file (.pdf) download and search function
  • Custom groups for organizing your EndNote library citations
  • Flexible re-formatting of bibliographies to meet required journal/editorial guidelines.

June 16: Getting the Most Out of OvidSP
Instructor: Laura Wilder, M.L.S.
Location: South Campus Library Classroom, E2.310A.

Find higher-level evidence to enrich your practice and research using this super user-friendly interface, recently improved, to search MEDLINE and related databases. OvidSP offers you seamless and up-to-the-minute access to the latest bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 3,900 biomedical journals published in more than 70 countries. Abstracts are included for more than 75% of the records.

June 23: Surviving Your Dissertation
Instructors: Tracey Minzenmayer, Ph.D., M.I.S.; Claudia DeShay, Ph.D., M.L.S.
Location: South Campus Library Conference Room, E3.314E.

Save time and energy by learning how to use Library resources effectively. This class will also offer tips on writing and navigating the committee process.

June 30: Seeing Visual Dx / Visual Diagnosis at the Point of Care
Instructor: Jack Bullion, M.F.A., M.L.S.
Location: South Campus Library Classroom, E2.310A.

Visual clues are essential to accurate diagnosis. Visual Dx combines high-quality medical images into a step-by-step decision support system to assist you in making more accurate structured differential diagnoses – never eliminating possible diagnostic possibilities, but ranking the possibilities by relevance to patient findings. Mobile app available for iPhone/Touch.

Biomedical Communications Graduate Student Art Show on display May 26

The 11th Annual Biomedical Communications Graduate Student Art Show will be on display in the South Campus (main) Library. The exhibit will run from May 26 to July 22, 2011, and features selected works and projects from the student portfolios.
The opening reception will take place on Thursday, May 26 from 4 – 6 p.m. in the South Campus (main) Library.
The graduate students featured are:

Improved affiliation search in Scopus helps you find your faculty publications

Searching for articles by UT Southwestern faculty is easier than ever with the improved affiliation search options in Scopus. You can now search by affiliation name, affiliation city, and affiliation country. This makes it easier to find variations of the UT Southwestern name in the author information in journal articles.
To enter Scopus, use the Quick Links list on the left side of the Library home page. Once in Scopus, click on the Affiliation Search tab, and then go to the improved search by clicking on the link that says, “Would you like to search for documents by affiliation?”
For a thorough search, try entering “sw OR southwestern” in the Affiliation Name box and “Dallas” in the Affiliation City box. For professors with dual appointments, results will be more accurate if you include both affiliations or just search by the author’s name under the Author Search tab.

Learn from your Library's experts anytime, any place

Library-authored tutorials are now available on both the Library’s full and mobile web sites. These customized tutorials give you valuable tips on how to search and find the information that you need.
Library-authored tutorials include:
Library Orientation:
South Campus (main) Library
North Campus Branch Library
University Hospitals
Library Services:
Ejournals A to Z FAQ
Using Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)
Introduction to PMCIDs and NIH Public Access Policy Compliance
Resources (e.g., Databases):
Sharing a Funding Search in COS
Introduction to Faculty of 1000
Who is Citing Your Articles?
Web of Science
Evidence Based Medicine
Doing a Simple EBM Search in CINAHL
Answering an EBM Diagnosis Question in Ovid
Answering an EBM Prognosis Question in Ovid
Answering an EBM Therapy Question in Ovid
Answering an EBM Etiology or Harm Question in Ovid

Announcing the new improved Ovid Portal!

The Library is pleased to announce the creation of the new Ovid Portal, which provides more direct access to the various Ovid databases to which the Library subscribes.
The Library is making this change to reduce the number of clicks that users have to make to access an Ovid database. Previously, users had to go to the Ovid Login page, click on the “Start Ovid” button, and then select the specific database they wish to search. With the new method, they will simply need to click on specific database on the portal page and they will be immediately logged into that database in Ovid.
If you have any questions or comments about this page, please contact LibWebmaster@utsouthwestern.edu.