Ovid Users: Important changes to your personal account

The UT Southwestern Library will be changing how we handle existing Ovid accounts in order to better serve you. If you currently save searches in one or more Ovid databases or regularly receive Ovid email alerts, you will need to create a new personal account to continue using these services.
Note: You are ONLY required to create a personal account if you save searches or use email alerts. You will need VPN or EXProxy to log into your personal accounts when off-campus.
Once you have created a new personal account, we will be able to move your saved searches and alerts from your existing account to your new account. To take advantage of this offer, please send an email to libwebmaster@utsouthwestern.edu by July 15th that includes the following:

  • Your existing username
  • Your new username

Please allow up to one week for your request to be completed. You can access both accounts until July 15th. However, after July 15th, you will ONLY be able to access your new account.
If you have any further questions, please contact Farrah Omar by email or at 214-648-9190 or consult your Library’s Ovid FAQ.