The Library’s Spring Showcase, March 29-31, delivers fresh perspectives via four exciting events.
Tuesday, March 29, 12 noon to 1 p.m., McDermott Lecture Hall D1.602
Becky Sykes, President of the Dallas Women’s Foundation, presents “Gendering the Texas Budget: State Priorities as if Women & Children Mattered.” In the face of impending massive revenue shortfalls for health, human services, and education, Sykes’s innovative gender-responsive analysis provides new insights into the state’s most recent $182.5 billion budget which, in her words, “is perhaps the most accurate statement of its real policies and values.” Host: Patrice Vaeth, Dr.P.H. UT School of Public Health. Light lunch served.
Wednesday, March 30, Noon to 1 p.m. South Campus Library, E.3.314.E
Discover the “Latest Digital Tools for Research & Presentation” (e.g., Google’s Fusion Tables, Refine) during this informal workshop presented by Martha Buckbee, M.L.S., and Matt Zimmerman, M.A.. These Library staff members will demonstrate Google’s cutting edge data mapping and presentation tools. Seating is limited; pre-register at: Refreshments served; bring your lunch.
Wednesday, March 30, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. South Campus Library
The Library unveils “Dallas Medical History, 1890 – 1975, A Digital Collection”, an online group of more than 500 photos from the UT Southwestern Library’s Archives and History of Medicine collections. These photos illustrate the medical history of Dallas from the opening of Parkland Hospital in 1894 to the expansion of the UT Southwestern campus in the 1970s. See these compelling images at the reception and starting at 5 p.m., enjoy “Reflections on the History of Medicine in Dallas” with John S. Fordtran, M.D., Director of Gastrointestinal Physiology, Baylor University Medical Center. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres served.
Thursday, March 31, Noon to 1 p.m., McDermott Lecture Hall D1.602
Marvin Dulaney, Ph.D., professor of history, University of Texas at Arlington, speaks on Dismantling Segregation at St. Paul Hospital. Dr. Dulaney, a nationally recognized historian and expert in African American history in Dallas, re-visits this turning point in 1954, when St. Paul became the first local hospital to open its doors to Black physicians. Host: Historian James Hopkins, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University. Light lunch served.
The lectures and reception are open to all; pre-registration is not necessary.
For more information, contact John Fullinwider, 214-648-3801 or Bill Maina, 214-648-2629.
Daily Archives: March 14, 2011
Need an edge on evidence-based medicine searching? Try your Library's new tutorials
Practicing evidence-based medicine (EBM) means finding and evaluating the best current research and combining it with clinical expertise to make treatment decisions. An evidence-based literature search always begins with a clinical question. Each of the four main types of questions has a particular search strategy that will retrieve the best results. Watch the Library’s tutorials to see a demonstration of how to do a simple search in Ovid MEDLINE for each of the four main clinical question types:
In addition to MEDLINE, nurses and allied health professionals may want to do evidence-based searches in CINAHL Plus with Full Text, which offers some special limiters to help them retrieve the best results. An EBM search in CINAHL Library tutorial is also available for these limiters.