Visiting Grants Reviewer to teach grants and proposal writing basics course

UPDATE: As of July 1, 2011, This class has been moved to D1.602 and additional seats are now available. Please register using the link at the bottom of the article.
Michelle Malizia, M.A., associate director of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine South Central Region (NNLM/SC), will be instructing a one day course on July 28, 2011 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in D1.602. The course is designed for beginning grant proposal writers and presents a general overview of the grant and funding processes as well as the level of detail required in a successful proposal.
Each component of the grant writing process will be addressed, including:

  • documenting the need
  • identifying the target population
  • writing measurable objectives
  • developing work, evaluation and dissemination plans

Ms. Maliza coordinates the grant writing process at the NNLM/SC and has extensive experience in the field of grant writing and evaluating. The National Network of Libraries South Central writes, evaluates and administers many grants and awards.
Registration is limited and required. Reserve your place at