Library acquires First Consult, cancels DynaMed effective September 2012

Effective September 1, 2012, the UT Southwestern Library has acquired First Consult via MD Consult and cancelled the subscription to DynaMed. This decision was made after carefully reviewing the Library’s current budget and vendor cost inflation and evaluating the features of allĀ current, comparable evidence based resources to which the Library subscribes.

First Consult provides instant, user-friendly access to the latest evidence-based information on evaluation, diagnosis, clinical management, prognosis, and prevention. A free iPhone/iPad/iTouch First Consult mobile app includes topics with differential diagnosis that can be used with your MD Consult username and password.

If you would like more information and assistance with our current evidence-based medical resources, please request a personal consultation through the Contact Us form or at the Library during Library-staffed hours.

Your feedback and recommendations are always welcome at the Tell Us What You Think blog.