Mixed recycling comes to the Library!

As of Earth Day, April 22, 2010, mixed recycling will now be available at both South and North Campus Libraries. Informational signs are placed near the blue recycling bins to notify you of what you can and can not recycle. These rules are based on the facility, which can vary from city and even neighborhood.
Recycling Rule: If it’s wet, sticky, or icky, rinse it and recycle it or throw it out.

  • Paper, boxboard, envelopes, newspapers, magazines, file folders (please remove binder clips, plastics, and foam)
  • Clean beverage and plastic containers including plastic beverage bottles, aluminum and tin cans, and plastic containers #1-5


  • Glass
  • Foam cups or containers
  • Food waste or trash
  • Coffee cups
  • Medical waste, including sharps, booties, gloves, or caps
  • Plastic wrap, bags, or wrappers

Please note housekeeping staff may relocate some existing blue bins to break rooms and other high-traffic areas throughout the Library.
For information about mixed recycling, please contact Robert Watts, UT Southwestern Physical Plant, at robert.watts@utsouthwestern.edu or 214-648-3375.