We do more than teach about grants and funding at the Library. We also secure them for our own projects. The UT Southwestern Medical Center Library has recently secured two awards from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region (NN/LM SCR) for special projects.
The first is a $25,000 Historical Preservation and Digitization Award. This money will be used to purchase equipment to complete a project entitled “Dallas Medical History: 1890-1975”. The project involves scanning 500 photos from our collection that will be made available online, plus creating a special web exhibit of the 50 most important photos.
The second is a $6,500 Express Outreach Grant to purchase equipment to assist with consumer health community outreach. Outreach librarians and Library staff will demonstrate resources and provide information assistance at the Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP) for minority high school students and their families from the Dallas Independent School District.
These projects have been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. N01-LM-6-3505 with the Houston Academy of Medicine – Texas Medical Center Library.
Monthly Archives: August 2010
What's Find it! @ Library?
This icon provides direct access to journal articles from selected databases:
By clicking on the icon, you are usually linked directly to the full text of the article. You may be provided with three other options for obtaining the article:
- Search Library Ejournals A-Z for journal articles online
- Search the Library Catalog for journal articles in print
- Use Interlibrary Loan (ILLIAD) for articles the Library does not own
Go to Find It! UTSW Library FAQ for more information on the “Find it!” icon.
What's an embargo?
Frustrated because a link in Ejournals A-Z doesn’t take you to the most recent articles?
Explanation: The publisher has placed a restriction on access, called an “embargo period.” This means that the most recent articles are not yet available.* These embargo periods range from three months to a year or more depending on publisher policies.
* If you need the article now, you might be able to obtain this journal article through your Library’s Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) Service.
Suggestion: Be sure and read availability dates that appear next to the access link for embargo period information. (Put on your glasses to read the fine print!) For example:
Nutrition bulletin
Academic Search Complete 2000 to present (Embargo: 1 year)
CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCO Publishing) 2003 to present (Embargo: 1 year)
Try Anatomy.tv: One of the leading online 3D Interactive Anatomy resources
Anatomy.tv gives detailed three-dimensional (3D) views of human anatomy at various anatomical levels, from bone to surface structure and every layer in between. Models may be rotated to view from all perspectives, and descriptive text is provided for each part displayed.
The Library’s current subscription to this resource includes the complete human anatomy series featuring:
- Head & neck
- Shoulder
- Spine
- Thorax & abdomen
- Pelvis & perineum
- Hand
- Hip
- Knee
- Foot
Authorized users may download, save, and print images, but please note that all material (unless otherwise noted) is protected by copyright law.
Remote access is limited to UT Southwestern affiliates only, including residents, fellows, and University Hospital employees. Walk-in users of the Library also have access.
"Live Chat" offers quick answers
Have a brief question? Chat live with Library staff wherever you are. The Library’s Live Chat service provides quick reference support via instant message during regular library hours. In addition, you may now access Live Chat on the Library’s mobile web site.
Simply type a message into the Live Chat box on the right sidebar; no software installation is required.
- If the label says “Available,” you will receive immediate assistance.
- If the label says “Unavailable,” click on the “Email/Phone” tab for alternate contact methods.
Complex or in-depth questions are best submitted via:
- Email (click the “Email/Phone” tab under “Live Chat”)
- Phone call to 214-648-2001
Please note:
- For questions about confidentiality when using Live Chat, consult our Confidentiality of Library Records page for more information.
- To submit comments or ask general questions about Live Chat, please send an email to the Library. You should receive a response within 24-48 hours.