The MyAccess profile is free to create and available on all of McGraw Hill’s medical Access platforms. This profile creates a personalized experience by unlocking the ability to bookmark content, interact with review Q&A and cases, and receive alerts about new content additions.
Another benefit of a MyAccess profile is the ability to go directly to the site (e.g., to access it remotely.
If you see a message that your remote access has expired, connect to the UTSW subscription either from on campus or while using VPN or EZproxy and then log into your MyAccess profile.
Monthly Archives: April 2022
Discover Your Profile Potential!
Your name is foundational to being discovered and recognized: it establishes your unique professional profile, which stays with you throughout your research and academic career. However, author ambiguity can and does occur, and these name variants can be a key concern when calculating your author level metrics.
ORCID, Scopus Author Identifier, Publons, Web of Science Research ID, SciENcv? With so many resources to help authors manage their profiles, where do you start? While there is overlap between the various resources, each one has its own functionality and unique features. Based on your research focus, you may want to maintain more than one profile.
The Author Profiles Guide provides an overview of select author profiles and suggested steps to manage your profile. Questions? Please complete our Ask Us form.