- You can access the UT Southwestern Library’s Website from the Services Tab on MyUTSW site, Education & Training Tab on the UT Southwestern website, UT Southwestern Clinical Portal, and Google Search by name.
- The Library has 555,806 books in all formats in FY23(e.g., print, electronic, audiovisual, etc.).
- The most popular Library class is Writing a Literature Review.
- As an author, I can create profiles to manage my publications and scholarly activities in My Bibliography, ORCID, Scopus, and Web of Science.
- The Library’s most popular point-of-care tool is UpToDate.
- The Library subscribes to the following USMLE and Board Preparation resources: BoardVitals, StatPearls, and USMLE First Aid.
- The Library’s most popular subject guide is About the Library.
- Nine librarians staff the UT Southwestern Library.
- Interlibrary loan, exam proctoring, and classroom reservations services are offered by the Library.
- The Interlibrary Loan Unit filled 2285 article requests in 2022.
- The Interlibrary Loan Unit borrowed 684 items from other institutions for our patrons in 2022.
- There were 899 document delivery requests filled for patrons in 2022.
- Our library ILL services invoices can be paid by check, interdepartmental request, and credit card.
- The UT Southwestern Library was founded in 1943.
- The oldest book in the Archives was published in the 16th century.
- The temperature setting of the Archives in 63 degrees.
- Violet Baird began the Archives for the University.
- Dr. Edward H. Cary started Southwestern Medical College
Congratulations to our winner Katarina Yaros who received the top score!