Thousands of training and development books now available through Library Catalog

Books24x7Finding campus training and development resources just got easier! With a click and a campus log-in, you can now access thousands of current training books and modules currently housed in the Academy of Career Enhancement‘s Books 24×7 collection through the Library Catalog.

The Library and Learning Center’s Digital Collections unit has just completed a successful collaborative project with the Office of Human Resources adding more than 21,000 ebook titles and resources. You can continue to utilize ACE’s Professional Development tracking components.


NLM Poster Exhibit explores the culture and politics of AIDS awareness over the last 30 years

The South Campus Library is currently hosting a six-panel traveling exhibition – Surviving and Thriving: AIDS, Politics, and Culture – from May 11, 2015, through June 20, 2015. This banner exhibit explores the rise of AIDS in the early 1980s and the evolving response to the epidemic over the last 30 years.

The title “Surviving and Thriving” comes from a book written in 1987 by and for people with AIDS that insisted people could live with AIDS, not just die from it. Jennifer Brier, the exhibition curator, explains that “centering the experience of people with AIDS in the exhibition allows us to see how critical they were, and continue to be, in the political and medical fight against HIV/AIDS.”

The banners present their stories alongside those of others involved in the national AIDS crisis, and they utilize a variety of historic photographs as well as images of pamphlets and publications to illustrate how a group of people responded to, or failed to respond, to HIV/AIDS.

The exhibit was produced by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


Experiencing “Infinite Proxy Loop” errors? Find out how to fix it!

Sick of getting the “Infinite Proxy Loop” error when searching Ejournals A-Z ?

Most users experience this problem when they are either logging into the MyUTSW site from an off-campus location or trying to reach the Ejournals A-Z site through MyUTSW web pages or using the same browser as MyUTSW. The error occurs because there is a conflict between the MyUTSW and EZproxy authentication processes.

To solve this issue, you have two options:

  1. Open another browser to go to the Ejournals A-Z page. You’ll be asked to authenticate in the new browser using EZproxy, and your MyUTSW session remains open in the other browser.
  2. Log out of MyUTSW first, then go to the Ejournals A-Z page and authenticate using EZproxy. This option is necessary if you only have one browser on your computer.

If you tried both of these options and neither worked, there might be another problem. Contact Heather Perkins by email or 214-648-2006 for further assistance.