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New Additions to the Library’s Permanent Exhibits

Next time you’re on South Campus, stop by the Library (E2.200) and view the Special Collection and Archives’ additions to the Library’s permanent exhibits. Depicted in the image below are:

(A) Disease Case Studies Ledger from Bellevue Hospital by Edward H. Cary, M.D. 1898-1899. MSS0032. History of Medicine Collection.

(B) Draft sketch for the David Novros fresco in Gooch Auditorium. MSS0067. Medical Artifacts Collection. – Note: This is one of Library’s newest additions, which came from the Dallas Museum of Art.

(C) Ernest Poulos, M.D., bust, portrait, and a group picture and letter from the dedication of the bust. MSS0068. Department of Surgery Collection. – Note: The bust was made in 1996, and the photo features the chief residents who were under Dr. Poulos in 1989.

(D) Edward H. Cary, M.D., bust. MSS0067. Medical Artifacts Collection. – Note: The bust was made in 1929 and presented to Dr. Cary by the Baylor University College of Medicine.

(E) Painted and glazed fireplace tiles. 1890. MSS0030. St. Paul Hospital Collection. – Note: When the hospital was built in the late 1890s, heat was provided by both radiators and fireplaces.

(F) Assorted ceramic apothecary jars. 1930-1959. MSS0077. Leon A. Harris Apothecary Jars Collection.

Stocking Stuffers from Your Library

Don’t forget your favorite stocking stuffers from the Library:

  • Access the New York Times or Wall Street Journal for free with our institutional subscription.
  • BrowZine is an app for Apple or Android smart phones and devices that helps you flip through the scholarly electronic journals available through UT Southwestern Medical Center.
  • LibKey Nomad brings the Library’s journal holdings to wherever you are searching, both on- and off-campus.
  • Read & Publish Agreements – learn how the Library supports open access publishing with selected publishers, such as Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Sage, and Wiley.
  • Have you upgraded to EndNote 21?
  • Want to learn a new language? Try Pronunciator!
  • Brush up on your research skills and sign up for a class.

Answers to the October 2023 Library Quiz

  1. You can access the UT Southwestern Library’s Website from the Services Tab on MyUTSW site, Education & Training Tab on the UT Southwestern website, UT Southwestern Clinical Portal, and Google Search by name.
  2. The Library has 555,806 books in all formats in FY23(e.g., print, electronic, audiovisual, etc.).
  3. The most popular Library class is Writing a Literature Review.
  4. As an author, I can create profiles to manage my publications and scholarly activities in My Bibliography, ORCID, Scopus, and Web of Science.
  5. The Library’s most popular point-of-care tool is UpToDate.
  6. The Library subscribes to the following USMLE and Board Preparation resources: BoardVitals, StatPearls, and USMLE First Aid.
  7. The Library’s most popular subject guide is About the Library.
  8. Nine librarians staff the UT Southwestern Library. 
  9. Interlibrary loan, exam proctoring, and classroom reservations services are offered by the Library.
  10. The Interlibrary Loan Unit filled 2285 article requests in 2022.
  11. The Interlibrary Loan Unit borrowed 684 items from other institutions for our patrons in 2022.
  12. There were 899 document delivery requests filled for patrons in 2022.
  13. Our library ILL services invoices can be paid by check, interdepartmental request, and credit card.
  14. The UT Southwestern Library was founded in 1943.
  15. The oldest book in the Archives was published in the 16th century.
  16. The temperature setting of the Archives in 63 degrees.
  17. Violet Baird began the Archives for the University.
  18. Dr. Edward H. Cary started Southwestern Medical College

Congratulations to our winner Katarina Yaros who received the top score!

Surgery kits highlighted in new Library exhibit

The Library’s Special Collection & Archives team has recently put together several exhibits that are now on display in the main library space. These displays may be viewed at any time by anyone interested in learning more about medical history and the University. Some of the items are the Goulding and the Hernstein families’ surgery kits pictured here.

To properly date these items, our University Archivist used the names stamped on the boxes and on the surgery tools. This technique allowed her to narrow down the make to only a few years, rather than decades, when different partnerships and business ventures were active. 

While researching these items, the University Archivist also discovered a scandal in the Hernstein’s history over the origins of their materials. Because of this, the company was transferred into Esther Hernstein’s name until several years passed and Albert could again be the face of the company. To learn more about this event and the other items in the exhibit, you can visit the Archives and request the old catalogs and histories of surgical kits.

Visit to learn more. If you have any questions or would like to request an appointment, email

“The Bias Inside Us” Smithsonian Poster Exhibit now at the Library

The Smithsonian Institution, which is committed to leading and encouraging civil dialogue on important issues facing our nation and the world, is leading a community engagement project called The Bias Inside Us. Their goal is to help people understand and counter implicit biases and build capacity in communities to convene dialogue that will increase empathy and create more inclusive schools, communities, and workplaces. The 10-piece poster exhibit is now on display at the South Campus Library until January 2024.