Annual “On My Own Time” art show now on display at South Campus Library

The 17th annual On My Own Time art show is now open in the South Campus Library! Visit the show to see the impressive talents of your friends and colleagues at UT Southwestern. Nearly 100 pieces are on view through September 19.

Be on the lookout in next week’s Campus Update for a link where UT Southwestern affiliates can cast their vote for this year’s “People’s Choice” winner!

Last call for entries for Employee Art Show

Put the finishing touches on your masterpiece: There’s still time to register for the 17th annual “On My Own Time Employee Art Show” hosted at the Health Sciences Digital Library and Learning Center on South Campus. Registration is open through July 14.

UT Southwestern faculty, staff, and students are invited to submit their best artwork in a wide range of mediums: works on paper or canvas, black-and-white or color photography, enhanced photography/computer art, sculpture, ceramics, wood, glass, jewelry/metals, mixed media, textiles/fiber, corporate collaboration, sustainable art, and literary art.

Winning entries for each category will go to a regional exhibition at NorthPark Center.

For more information, visit the On My Own Time webpage.

Key dates

July 14 (Friday)

July 20-21 (Thursday and Friday)

  • Artists drop off artwork at the South Campus Library (E2)

July 24-28 (Monday through Friday)

  • Artwork installation for exhibit

July 31 (Monday)

  • OMOT art display official “Opening Date”

July 31-Sept. 19

  • UT Southwestern Art Show held

Aug. 7-11

  • “People’s Choice” online voting

Aug. 14th (week of)

  • Judges select UT Southwestern winners

Aug. 24

  • Reception at the Faculty Club to announce the winners
    4:30-5:30 p.m., Florence Building (E4), South Campus, fourth floor

“We’re on the move!”: Library relocates archive and history materials

St. Paul Hospital on Harry Hines Blvd., babies in incubators being moved into new building (1963)

Like the St. Paul nurses in the photo above, Library staff will soon be moving some precious cargo of our own! The UT Southwestern History of Medicine and Archives Collections are in the process of being shifted to different locations. The archives’ records are currently stored in multiple library locations. This move will result in most of the UT Southwestern Archives being consolidated into one storage space, which will provide easier records processing and reference services. (Quick archival education side note: “Processing” is the arrangement, description, and housing of archival materials for storage and use by patrons.) Additionally, a local area is being renovated for other materials.

In preparation for the move, Library staff have been re-housing archives materials into acid-free folders and placing these folders in acid-free boxes. It is general practice in archives to house unbound documents in acid-free, lignin-free, buffered file folders, which are then stored in chemically-stable document storage boxes. These improvements are important steps toward ensuring a better preservation environment for the thousands of records that document the institutional history of UT Southwestern.

During the move, reference services for the archives will be temporarily placed on hold. While our physical archives are moving, don’t forget about the access you have to the archives via various online resources.

  • Our UT Southwestern Image Archives collection has over 700 photos documenting the history of UT Southwestern and 300 photos detailing Dallas’ medical history.
  • The UT Southwestern Institutional Repository is an amazing source of information for accessing some Medical Student Research Forum posters and other student publications, historical UT Southwestern documents, Grand Rounds materials, and much more!

Other activities requiring the archives may also be suspended or delayed; we will keep you updated via social media and through the Library News blog. Stay tuned, however, for we will be holding an archives grand “re”-opening for UT Southwestern faculty, researchers, students, and staff once the move is completed.

Questions? Contact the archives at

The Librarian is in! New in-person Library research support available in 2017

the-librarian-is-in-1Need help with EndNote citation management? Researching a topic? Using one of the many library database resources? David Rathvon, the UT Southwestern Health Science Digital Library & Learning Center’s Client Experience Program Coordinator, will be available to provide in-person research assistance at the North and South Campus Library locations.

David will be at the North Campus Library on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. and at the South Campus Library on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 10 a.m. and 12 noon.

Library launches new group room and clinical workstation reservation system

libCAlimageDo you want to make sure your group has a Library group study room for an important project? Will you need an EPIC Clinical Workstation for clinical reporting at a specific time?

The Health Sciences Digital Library and Learning Center is launching a new room reservation system to provide small groups and EPIC users the ability to reserve a room up to one (1) week in advance at the South Campus (main) Library. The Group Study Room and Clinical (EPIC) Workstation scheduling system will allow you to reserve these rooms for up to four hours in a 24-hour period.

For more information and room reservation policies, please go to the Study Rooms, Clinical (EPIC) Workstations, and Lockers page on the Library’s website.

April 29 Rare Book Room Open House: Spotlight on Tuberculosis


On Friday, April 29, 2016, stop by the Health Sciences Digital Library & Learning Center’s Rare Book Room (E3.314D) from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for “Spotlight on Tuberculosis”. Learn more about books, reports, journals, artifacts, stamps, and other materials in the library’s special collections that illuminate the history of tuberculosis in medicine. Additional resources will highlight connections to the disease in literature, music, and art.

The Library offers a monthly series of open house events to the UT Southwestern community that feature different topics of interest from the special and digital collections. If you want more information about this event or others in the monthly series, please contact

Images courtesy of Images from the History of Medicine (IHM), a collection of digitized images from the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) Prints and Photographs collection.

Bathroom renovations in the South Campus Library commence

Construction is underway in the South Campus Library. The E2 bathrooms are going to be upgraded starting February 12, 2016. Alternate restrooms and elevators are available outside the Library in the E building to the left of the Nobel Prize portraits and university seals. Please consult signage in the Library for specific instructions.

For more information, go to this E2/E4 construction projects Library News article.


Pardon our progress: construction projects begin on E2 and E4 this month


The E4 Emergency Medicine Office Renovation Project begins this week.  The former study and stacks area of E4 will be transformed into the new offices for Emergency Medicine.  The estimated duration of the construction project on E4 will be from Monday, January 11, 2016, through Wednesday, May 18, 2016.  Since the project is taking place right above the Team-Based Learning (TBL) Center, there will be some designated quiet times when TBL sessions are scheduled.  Additionally, the west elevators (i.e. the public elevators near the restrooms) have been locked, and only the construction crew will be using this to travel from E1 to E4.

The E2 Library and Headmaster Renovation Project will begin on January 25, 2016.  The offices behind the student computers area on E2 will be transformed into the new offices for the Headmaster.  The Individual study cubicle area and group study space across from the coffee machine will be enclosed in glass to establish a formal quiet zone.  Also included in this project is renovation of the E2 restrooms.  The estimated duration of the construction project on E2 is estimated to be 4-6 weeks; specific project plan information will be forthcoming.

When we have specific dates on the closure of the E2 restrooms, we will communicate this promptly, along with alternative restroom locations in the E building.  The construction crew will be using the freight elevator for this project, bringing in materials from the loading dock to E2.

January Open House Event at the South Campus (main) Library: "Medical Eponyms"


The Health Sciences Digital Library & Learning Center will offer a monthly series of open house events to the UT Southwestern community that feature different topics of interest from the Library’s special and digital collections. The first event entitled “Who Named It?: Medical Eponyms in the Collections” will be held in the Rare Book Room (E3.314D) from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12.

Medical eponyms offer a fascinating window into medical history. They can also be contentious, controversial, or inaccurate. Despite these drawbacks, medical eponyms are sometimes catchy, easy to remember, and can prove remarkably enduring, long outliving their namesakes. Not all are biographical. Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS), Mozart ear, and Henry V sign are a few from literature and music.

Drop by the open house event on January 12 and explore the connections between medical eponyms and their namesakes. Items by or about Baron Guillaume Dupuytren, Moriz Kaposi, William Osler, and many more will be on display from the special collections. Staff will also be available to also show relevant highlights in the digital collections.

Need more information about this particular event or others in this monthly series? Contact